Guarantee Management

Guarantee Management Icon

A secure and easy-to-use solution to simplify bank guarantees

A bank guarantee is a type of guarantee from a lending institution where the institution ensures that the liabilities of a debtor will be met. A bank guarantee enables the customer, or debtor, to acquire goods, buy equipment or draw down a loan.

A modern solution is in dire need for Guarantee Management System where most processes are digital and automated and there exists a good integration between the different parties to enable debtors, agents and risk carriers to carry out their business efficiently.

Contemi Bank Guarantee Management System is the perfect fit for a modern Guarantee System where it’s quick and easy to develop customized products for the industry and make them quickly available to customers to be able to apply for guarantees.

A client portal allows debtors or stakeholders to be able to login and manage their guarantees. The application process is digital and allows for clients to be able to apply and receive a reply within a short time frame. A powerful backend system allows the system owners to view applications, approve them and manage them. Documents are maintained digitally. Deep statistics and reports into the data provides birds eye view of the business operations.

Increase Efficiency

Process flow management with a short implementation time

Streamline end-to-end processes and offer better customer service

Automated notifications for prompt actions

Reduce Cost

System is API driven and can easily be integrated with the banks’ core banking and other legacy systems

With digital processing resources can be redeployed to more pressing operational functions

Reduce Risk

Digitising the process reduces the risk of both fraud and error for all parties involved, while increasing the speed of execution

Compliance to company/industry best practice by using pre-defined workflows

Automated Guarantee Process

Overview of all applications sent in by customers

Digital approval process

Overview of guarantees

Detailed review process

Invoices and payment schedules

Customer Module

Customer profile

360 degree overview across all information: Guarantees, Applications, Invoices, etc.

Integration with Mail and Calendar

Document and mail history on customer level

Document templates for mail, SMS and App communication

Dashboard module for Statistics and Reports

Statistics And Reports

Overview of all invoices

Reports on organization level and individual customer level

Advanced statistics and reports using ELK stack

Downloadable reports in Excel format

digital Portal For Application

Modern and secure portal for customer applications

Individual customer accounts for login

Customers can choose products and apply for guarantee

Customer can monitor the progress of the application

Make amendments via the portal

Overview of all applications, guarantees in the portal

Reports and statistics on customer level available

Digital Approval Process For Applications

The approval process is made completely digital

Customer send in application via the portal

Backend system provides information about new applications to users

Interactive approval process with possibility for amendments

Digital guarantee document is generated after approval